Planning a trip to Patagonia? Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime! This remote and stunning region, located at…
Whale watching in Patagonia, one of the nicest things to do in Puerto Madryn. Whale watching in Argentina is not…
The last thing to happen during your Patagonia trip is not to have enough foreign currency with you. We speak…
Planning your trip to Patagonia is now ten times easier with our article: how many days in Patagonia. Probably you…
G’ day and welcome on Secrets of Patagonia,
I’m glad that you are reading Secrets of Patagonia. After a couple of years living in Argentina, it was time to bundle all our Patagonia travel experiences on one page.
Traveling to South America is somehow special. That’s why we want to share all the information that we have about planning a trip to Patagonia. You will enjoy and discover so much more if you’re informed well and understand the way of traveling in Argentina and Chile. The idea of Secrets of Patagonia has it roots from my first project “Secrets of Buenos Aires“. Give you honest and correct information about multiple topics. As locals, we learned the inside secrets on how to get the most out of your tour to Patagonia. From Peninsula Valdés to Ushuaia and back up to El Calafate, Torres del Paine, Bariloche, and so on.
You can contact me by email or Whatsapp: or +5491125524682.
I hope you enjoy reading and have a pleasant trip to Patagonia. Disfruta!